Tuesday, November 23, 2010

UFOs, Nukes and the war rages on.

It would be so redundant of me to post the entire history of "he said, he said" in the War over Nukes and UFOs, therefore I will provide you with links to some of the major postings on the internet.

UFO Magazine-squarespace


The UFO Chronicles-

The UFO Chronicles-

Robert Hastings

James T. Carlson on scribd.com:

And of course, James Carlson's personal attack on my friend and colleague, Roi, posted here on FIRST-UFOs.  You may find it in the comments here, or read Mr. Carlson's comment below. 


James Carlson said...

    I have NEVER called all military veterans liars, and you're an idiot if you think I have. Didn't it once occur to you to confirm whether your claims about me are true or not? Or did you just assume that I would do something so outrageous? I have called Robert Salas and Robert Hastings liars, because I've documented their lies, and I can prove it. And I'll continue to say it, as well. They are liars, and they have pulled off a UFO hoax unlike any others because people like you are willing to believe whatever you're told without even attempting to confirm any of it. I'm a veteran myself, and I'm an honest man, as is my father. I'm sorry your Dad's no longer with us, but I never called him a liar, just as I've never called all military veterans liars. I call Hastings and Salas liars because they have lied on many occasions. I don't know your Dad at all, and I would never presume to discuss what he believes or thinks about or experienced in his life as you have done with my father, so grow the fuck up already, for chrissake. You're acting like an infant, and you have precious little to add to this conversation except insults that have no basis.
    November 22, 2010 9:13 PM

Note: Please excuse the posting of foul language on this site but I had to quote Mr. Carlson's comment, in it's entirety. 
Thank you. - S. Williams

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